Painting Outside, Great Sales & Web Site Progress Report

Fall is already showing itself in leaves turning golden yellow and bright red.  It’s just enough that you know within a few weeks, there’s going to be a burst of color announcing the official arrival of Fall.  Those of us who relish time spent outdoors with canvas and paintbrush in hand will find nature providing us glorious displays of color this year. Unfortunately, while I love painting outdoors, those big brown spiders that build webs in trees and almost anywhere they can deposit a squirt of web juice have made it a time of caution for me. I understand that the spiders are not dangerous.  I am not one that handles the running into one of their webs in a calm and orderly manner.  Instead there is a tremendous amount of screaming, running, shaking my hair and tossing off of clothes. To any spectator that happens to come upon that scene, I’m sure it leaves them with a lasting, most probably hilarious memory.

The art stores in this area are serving up some really good sales on canvas and paint supplies.  These sales seem more geared to introducing new products or demonstrations that show us better ways to use colors and brushes that we may be considering trying. My usual trip to Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh, NC, on Wake Forest Road always leaves me impressed with the excellent customer service that I receive from their employees.  It is so nice to be in a store and sales staff stop by to ask if they can help me or answer any questions I might have.  It was great to stock up on some different canvas sizes that were on sale.  Of course I had to pick out a couple of paint brushes that were too good to not buy and try.  My husband has always joked with me that there are two things I find hard to resist, white tennis shoes and new paint brushes.  This wonderful man certainly knows me quite well.

In regards to our web site, work being done by Page Progressive, Inc, is going along very well.  I am in the process of weeding through lots of pictures of art items for sale and also pictures of items that had won blue ribbons or best of show awards.  Once all the pictures are grouped, I will be taking them to be copied to a DVD. It will make it easy for them to then be loaded onto our website.  Just last night I discovered a lovely slide that was made when I was in the Village of Yesteryear in 1989.  It was really a great “find” for me.  I so enjoyed seeing some of my painted artworks that were displayed behind me in my booth.  I hope that we will soon have our web site completely prepared and ready for your viewing.  I am still painting on a mountain cabin scene and expect to start a lovely sunset painting in a couple of weeds.  It is my hope that you all get a chance to enjoy the cooler weather and here’s hoping you get to paint some of these lovely trees showing delightful colors.