CarterWorksArt Youngsville, Wake Forest & Raleigh, NC Newsletter May 6. 2014

The month of April has flown by, as have so many tasks that are on my “to do” list.   As a care-giver for my husband, Grandmother to three heart-throbs and full time artist, nothing in my life remains on a smooth ride.  I keep thinking about that old tee shirt saying. ” If you can’t run with the big dogs, just stay on the porch.”   I most assuredly can tell you all I am not lying on the porch.

My dear Mark had a stay in the hospital during the mid-month of April.  It did slow down my progress on projects that I am currently working on, but all things will get done.  Mark is doing better now and that makes painting easier and more fun.  Family always comes first before work.  Having experienced what it was like having a loved one in the hospital and also having the responsibility for caring for my husband’s health needs has really been a learning experience for me.  Our family is a loving and supportive one, so I am very blessed to have their help.  Mark is able to get around and is gaining strength each day.  Having him here with me as I paint makes it a great day.

I have in the past few months, met women artists who are care-givers for members in their family group.  They are talented and their paintings are beautiful.   It has helped me to talk with them and listen to the words of wisdom that they have shared with me.  It is easy to feel alone and sometimes overwhelmed by the responsibility of ensuring a loved one continues to have a good healing environment.  I really would like to encourage those who know care-givers to please give them a call or ask if they would like a visit.  If its possible to make arrangements for them to go out for lunch or maybe some shopping time or just have time to take a walk at our local park, that would be great.

I am happy to announce that  Page Progressive’s Daniel Trimpey and his talented group will be creating my new Blog plus more website.  Daniel has registered the name of our new website.  It is  With a name like that you can bet it is going to be one to follow.  There’s some good stories that should help to brighten your day .  My goal is to provide first hand experience in how our family has survived and thrived while having head injuries, surviving several bad car wrecks, post traumatic stress disorders and other situations brought on by having those things happen.

I realize that I didn’t do a lot of talking about what’s going on in my painting world.  Here’s a few tidbits.  I am currently taking a month long class in 3D watercolor design painting techniques.  I have found the new color line, Daniel Smith Watercolors, to be Awesome!.  The shipping time from the West coast to here is a bit long but the colors are worth it.  I have learned a few tricks in using color to make white watercolor paper different colors so the background enhances the sparkling watercolors that look really cool.  I do have some preorders that I am now working on and as I finish them, they will be posted for you to see.  The Wake Forest Guild of Artists 2014 Tour of Artists will be happening this coming September.  I, along with two friends who are wonderful artists, will be part of the tour.  More to come about that later.

So, to wrap it up for now, Here’s hoping the Merry Month of May is a great one for each of you.

Take Care,

Dianna and Mark Carter